Catfish Creek

Help us out find out where this photo is geographically located!

Photo along near Catfish Creek (Photo ASC20598)

Photo along Catfish Creek (Photo ASC20598)

This is what we know about the photos:

  • It is part of the Lou Wise Oblique Airphoto Collection
  • The title is “Catfish Creek #3” (photo number: ASC20598).
  • It was taken somewhere in the Catfish Creek Conservation Authority, located in Elgin County, Ontario.
  • There are 19 photos that we have yet to locate, ASC20581 to ASC20599.

After a quick search online, we have a few leads:

Please help us out. If you find a match, let us know in the comments section below. You may have to browse imagery on online map websites such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps etc. Any information will help, such as the nearest highway intersection or town…but if you provide a latitude/longitude, even better!